Our mission is to empower marriages and families to live in holiness and be able to stand against the attacks that seek to destroy them. As Christian spouses we have been given a high calling: to reflect the love of Christ to the world. Our society desperately needs to encounter this love, and it is through our marriages and families that we can fulfill God's calling to bring His light to a world in desperate need of Him. Transformed Marriages invites couples to enter into a transformative process so they can understand who they truly are and what God calls them to become, a city on a hill. Together we discover how to apply God's word in a functional way , bringing our Catholic Faith to a practical application in our daily lives.
"Family, Become What You Are."
St. John Paul II
We know that marriage and the family are under attack. However, do we know and understand how to effectively combat these battles from within our own marriages and families?